This month has involved great changes to the mouse. Apart from physical improvements such as the shell, external power switch, external battery, and external USB for uploading code with the shell on, we have great improvements to the software. It is still not perfect, white line following still throws up problems that I’m hoping to fix at Gregynog, but obstacle avoidance is now reliably working with the 5 ultrasonics and can even detect if its in a corner and find its way out. I haven’t incorporated these into combat yet, this is another job for Gregynog but I am confident I can use them as trackers to go after opponents.
All this work has not been completed just in the lab, I have been taking the mouse home over this last week every night to get everything working, and during this replaced all connections, ensured everything was making good contact, and generally made sure the mouse was in good working order and that no hardware problems would occur at Gregynog. All sensors are now reliably working, software uploading with the case on is easy, and the battery can be swapped out for combat.
Thomas Hobbs 2114555
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