As technology advances rapidly, serious ethical and safety challenges need to be brought to our attention. As engineers, if potentially fatal flaws are discovered while designing a self-driving car, it is our responsibility to ensure that these issues are dealt with appropriately. This article looks at the responsibilities of teams and companies when confronted with such issues and how companies should effectively address potential safety risks.

According to the IET’s rules of conduct, as a team responsibility, the rules state that members should always take all reasonable steps to limit the risk of death, injury or health hazards that may result from their work and work products. This rule emphasises the need for engineers to prioritise the health and safety of the public when carrying out their professional activities. As an engineer, you are expected to maintain the highest level of professional integrity in your work by reporting potential safety issues promptly and transparently. If an engineer or team member becomes aware of a product design that could lead to a significant safety issue, the IET rules encourage timely reporting to internal management. If a member’s professional advice is not followed, they should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the person who ignored the advice is aware of the danger or loss that may arise and, if appropriate, notify that person’s employer of the potential risk.

Whistle blower behaviour plays a vital role in uncovering major safety issues. If my team members and I identify a potential safety issue, the team should ensure a clear communication strategy within the team that encourages members to report the problems as they are identified. It is also important to analyse potential design flaws in detail and assess their possible impact on public safety during design.

In cases where the team becomes a whistle blower, the company should respond proactively by conducting the necessary investigations and corrective actions, such as suspending production or recalling the product. In addition, the company should create an anonymous report that encourages and protects employees who come forward to report problems through anonymous reporting. Through these measures, it can be ensured that technological developments are not detrimental to the public interest while maintaining the professional integrity and ethical standards of engineers.

Whether a team will blow the whistle depends on the culture and ethical standards within the team. If team members generally recognise the importance of reporting and are encouraged to take action, then the team may become whistle-blowers. The team leader’s attitude and the company’s support system play a vital role in this process.

Suggestions for whistle-blowing should be reported internally to the immediate supervisor or project leader first. If the issue is not handled appropriately, escalation to higher management should be considered. At the same time, work with the team to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify design flaws and potential security risks, explore possible solutions, and develop contingency plans. Throughout the process, it is also necessary to take steps to protect yourself from potential professional retaliation and to ensure that personal safety and professional ethics are upheld.


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