Infrared circuit
During testing, our infrared circuit worked with great success. However, with the reality of the tournament looming, as a group, we decided that it would be best to stop the infra-reds from operating. This was done as some groups were using sensors on the side and back of their mice to detect infrared outputs in order to track their opponents. This seemed a great idea and worked to great effect as we were practically invisible in the tournament.
Ultrasonic rangefinders
As part of our decision to stop the infrareds, we needed an alternative to avoid obstacles. The solution we decided on was to use the HC-SR04 ultrasonic range finder. This piece of equipment worked great in testing and allowed us to manoeuvre our mouse through difficult areas with lots of obstacles with great success. This choice proved to be a great one when we won the obstacle avoidance trophy at the Gregynog assessment, which we were ecstatic about.