In my latest project with the micromouse, I decided to integrate a Bluetooth feature to enhance its control and monitoring capabilities remotely. It began with thorough research to select the most suitable Bluetooth module for my needs. After considering various options, I settled on the HC-05 module due to its robust performance and compatibility with the micromouse’s existing hardware.
The next phase involved building the code to facilitate communication between the micromouse and a remote device, like a smartphone or computer. I used the Arduino IDE for programming since it offers a straightforward platform for writing and uploading code to microcontrollers. My focus was to establish a reliable connection that could handle real-time commands without significant lag, which was crucial for the responsive maneuvering of the micromouse in complex environments.
Testing the code was a meticulous process. I started in a controlled environment, sending basic movement commands to the micromouse and observing the outcomes. Gradually, I introduced obstacles and more complex command sequences to test the stability and reliability of the Bluetooth connection under various conditions. This step was vital to ensure that the micromouse could perform well in competitive scenarios without connectivity issues. The successful integration of Bluetooth not only made the micromouse more interactive but also significantly enhanced its functionality in navigating mazes and obstacles efficiently.