Full Cost Breakdown of Prototype Components
A detailed financial breakdown of the components used to build the micro mouse was meticulously provided by one of our team members. This extensive list encompassed everything from sensors and motors to PCBs and the board used in the construction. Offering a precise financial overview, this breakdown is crucial for effective budget monitoring and ensures transparency in resource allocation. By detailing each expense, we adhere to sustainable economic practices by avoiding unnecessary expenditures and promoting cost efficiency, which is fundamental in sustainable development.

As well as having these expensive one thing also has to be taken into account is the fact of our time taken on this project. to work out are wage from using Salary: Graduate Electrical Engineer in United Kingdom 2024 | Glassdoor what gives us a rough idea of around 15.50 a hour is you take 28,300 dived by 52 (weeks) and then dived by 35 for hours of work in a week brings you close to £15.50.

Recycling Plan for End-of-Life Components
Our commitment to sustainability is exemplified by our plan to recycle components at the end of the micro mouse’s lifecycle. We have identified several components, such as PCBs, that can be recycled or repurposed. This initiative is aligned with responsible disposal practices, helping to minimize waste and support a circular economy. By planning for the end-of-life of our materials, we ensure that the micro mouse project contributes positively to environmental sustainability.