Modou’s October Blog

My blog report for October. In the first week of the group project, we got debriefed about the project. We got introduced to students from last year micromouse project and they gave us their experience, done some class activities and to finish off we wrote our skills and attributes on to a piece of paper and our module lecturer use that information to put us into our groups.

Am in team charlie for the micromouse project, first thing we did was fill out a skill/role matrix where we decided everyone roles for the project. My first task is to build a website for our micromouse project, and I will be working with Athby to create our website. We are building our website using WordPress. I have never used WordPress before to create a website, but it has a pretty easy web builder. which uses drag and drop features to add elements to your website. At first is it looks quite intimidating but once I played around with the builder, I got the hang of it quickly. On our website we added some pages, changed the background colour, and menu bar colour. The next step is start adding content on the pages we created. In the Thursday lab session am working jack to complete the microcontroller experiments. So far we have done 5 experiments.

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