Athby’s October’s blog

On our first week of the group project, after being assigned together as team Charlie. The four members of the team started by deciding which roles they wanted to take, we filled a roles and skills matrix. Furthermore, we planned and splitted the tasks required to get done. We were briefed about this lab’s structure and have seen some examples from previous years. 

Personally, I have taken responsibility for a couple of tasks. For example, the Documentation of the progress of our project and creating a website. Hence, I have started working with Modou on creating a website for the micromouse project. We are using WordPress to create the website. It is my first time working on creating a website. I found it overwhelming in the beginning, but I got more confident after working on it for a while. We have made some modifications to the website, and we are still working on it. Moving forward, we have made some progress on this task. 

I have started working as a pair with William on the Microcontroller experiments. William and I have done experiment 4 together and we are currently working on experiment 5. I found the challenging experiment understandable working with William as a pair on it. Working as a pair is helping me gain more experience and seeing things from different prospectives. In addition to trying new methods. 

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