Jacks December block

Over the last few weeks of December, we have agreed upon our additional feature, a ring of LEDs around the shell, and design for our micro mouse. I have adjusted the PCB design to allow for the extra feature to be printed onto the board. I have also constructed the layout of the LEDs on a breadboard with William and testing the code needed using synchronous interrupts. We are planning on having the lights flash in different patterns depending upon the mode selected. I have also attached the breadboard to the micro mouse to make sure it will still have enough power to operate the other functions. We received full marks for our website, and we are looking forward to keeping these high grades up as we progress further. We have tested our obstacle avoidance before we left for Christmas, and we will only get back into the lab in February, but we hope to keep working as hard as we can after Christmas.

At the time of uploading this, we have 10/10 for our PCB grade, but I got 17/22 for the class test which is 77% and I am quite happy with this as well as the 8/10 for the mid term progress demonstration for our obstacle avoidance and IR sensors.

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