Athby’s personal statement of commitment to ethical principals

After reading the statement of ethical principles issued in 2005 by the Royal Academy of Engineering and Engineering Council, I will do my best to commit to these principles.

In my opinion, honesty and integrity is the most important section. As future professional engineers and students working together on a project, we should be able to trust each other, and each team member should stick to their roles and carry their weight. As engineers, we should learn how to interact respectfully with our colleagues and respect their privacy, and confidentiality. We should avoid deception and copying other people’s work to avoid misconduct.

Moving forward, I will obey all applicable laws and regulations, in addition to making sure that my work is lawful and justified. My work will be conducted with respect to the published standards and health and safety regulations. From my point of view, keeping my knowledge and skills up to date is very important, this can help me avoid mistakes that engineers in the past faced and could help making my work more efficient. In addition, I will help spread awareness of the issues that concern the society.

In conclusion, working on a group project made me realize the importance of working as a team together. I realized the importance of seeing things from other people’s aspect not just mine. Throughout this group project, I am going to do my best to commit to the four fundamental principles mentioned.


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