Jacks February blog

This month I started working on the white line following, William working on the printed PCB board soldering on components and Modu has started working on the shell design. The white line sensors are currently working and attached with zip ties to the micro mouse, but this is just temporary until we finalise the design and attach all the parts together. The white line following is almost completed and just needs some slight perfecting. As a group we are working our way through problems arising, mainly with the shell design and how we are going to make sure we still have full access to the insides such as the power switch, reset button and wheels. We also are working on the touch bars that will be with the shell design. I have also started working on the combat but without the IR circuit board attached it isn’t completed yet. Looking ahead we will complete the combat mode soon and once the shell is constructed, we should just need to finalise and make sure everything works together as intended.

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