Modou’s Personal Statement of Commitment to Ethical Principles

As an engineering student and an aspiring future engineer. I must uphold the highest standard of ethical principles. I must act with honesty and integrity by being trustworthy and reliable in my engineering field. I will maintain a vigilant approach towards my work and behavior, considering their potential impact on my colleagues, superiors, and the broader public. Am going to respect confidently and be an advocate for anti-corrupt and malpractices in any engineering environment am involved in. I am committed to consistently adhering to legal and regulatory standards, and I will implement all necessary health and safety measures relevant to the tasks I undertake and the environments I find myself in. And carry out adequate risk assessment.

Am going to respect the importance of physical and cyber security and data protection. I will always work with the utmost consideration of the environment and the availability of natural resources that am using. The public interest and benefit are going to be at the heart of my work. I will never intentionally mislead or allow others to be misled. I will always present theory and evidence honestly, accurately, and without any personal bias. I will strive to always broaden my knowledge and skills with new information and work that has been put forward. As an engineering student, I employ myself to have a high standard of communication and leadership skills. I always take an active part in arising issues in engineering and technology. As a member of the IET, I will abide by their rules of conduct. Which reinforces ethical behavior and professionalism for engineers. I aim to follow the Engineering Council (EC) guidance for engineers and technicians.

I have found a web page on engineering ethics. I chose this page because it provides a detailed and insightful look into the engineering ethics that need to be implemented by engineers. So that the products and services they bring to the world are safe and have a positive impact on society. The webpage also explores the Morality of an engineer, and what is deemed as good morals for an engineer.

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