Jacks April Blog

This month was short but full of work, after coming back from easter we had one week where we were given our final shell and we quickly got to work making sure everything fitted inside of it. I helped William with wiring the LEDs into the shell, marking what LEDs connect to the different parts of the PCB board that I made many months ago. While William was soldering all the wires, I made sure that our presentation was complete and that everyone knew what they were going to be talking about. The final presentations in Gregynog were soon upon us and our fully working mouse not only achieved to avoid obstacles and follow the white line, but it also came first place in the combat inspection. This gave us high hopes for the combat tournament, where we came second in our pool and thus we progressed into the knockouts and quarterfinals. From there I made two small adjustments to the code to make our mouse more aggressive and this helped us reach the final. After coming back from being 2-0 down to win 3-2 in the semi-final, the match was tense. The first round came our way giving us a 1-0 lead after 2 minutes starting our clean sweep win. Our bigger, heavier mouse won each round due to extra aggression points giving us a perfect 3-0 victory and claiming the trophy for team Charlie.

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