
On 24/10/2023 construction of our prototype micromouse was completed. We moved on to testing our program and doing motor calibrations.

On 7/11/2023 Testing of our special feature is complete, everything works as intended ready to implement the circuitry on to the PCB.

PCB design was completed on 16/11/2023 but after being looked at by Mr. Moody, some improvements were made to the design before it could be printed

On 21/11/2023 we started soldering components on our PCB.

On 23/11/2023 successful demonstration of obstacle avoidance

On 30/11/2023 we started running tests on the PCB to make sure all the components were correctly placed.

On 12/3/2024 we got our shell 3d printed. After the team assessed the shell, changes needed to be made to the shell design for it to be usable.

On 10/04/2024 successful demonstration of white following

On April 24, 2024, our dedication and hard work paid off as Team Charlie won the combat inspection and the combat tournament at Greygranog. It was a proud moment for everyone on the team. Click the button below to read more about how the tournament unfolded.

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