Jacks ethics to autonomous vehicles

Blowing the whistle:

After having such success with this micro mouse project, I have a much better understanding of the complexity and workload that must be done for larger and more advanced projects. One example of this is autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars. Not only are there many more technical issues but there are also many more ethical problems that must be thought through. One of these is if you discover a flaw with the design that risks users and pedestrians. As per the IET guidelines and bylaws, it is only right that the issue is brought to the attention of the company to be fixed and amended before production is continued. This allows for the reputation and dignity to be upheld per the bylaws. Furthermore, if the problem is not correctly fixed, then the next step would be to go outside of the company to raise awareness of the issue at hand. As a white blower, it is your responsibility to provide as much information about the issue as possible. It is also the company’s responsibility to not treat you any differently as you are doing the morally correct thing and shouldn’t be punished for raising awareness of mistakes despite resulting in time and money being needed to fix the issue.

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