A plan for maintaining the website for the duration of assessment period

One of the main elements of our sustainability plan is the maintenance of our project website. We made sure that we kept updating the website as we worked on our project. Not only did we keep updating the website with the work we have done but also we did make some changes to make our …

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Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles by Athby

Blowing the whistle Building a car that drives itself is challenging and there might be some technical issues that must be sorted out. teams face a host of technical, ethical, and regulatory challenges. These teams must make sure the main ethical guidelines are applied in their designs. Furthermore, the safety and well -being of all …

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Plan for Recycling the Components at End-Of-Life

Throughout this module, we’ve used numerous components, wires, and tools in the construction of our micromouse, many of which can be repurposed for future projects. For instance, the Raspberry Pi Pico can be reprogrammed for various purposes beyond this project. Likewise, the wiring used can be easily repurposed for other circuits, while the shell of …

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) by Athby

Working in a group on a project with people from different countries was a new experiment for me. Initially, I thought that working with people coming from different countries with different cultures, mindsets, and personalities was going to be a challenge and perhaps a disadvantage. However, working with my teammates made me realise that I …

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) by Modou

My experience with Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) within my team has been positive and impactful. I’ve felt fairly treated and respected, which empowered me to fully engage in tasks. Embracing diversity allowed us to tap into a wide range of talents and skills, enabling us to tackle challenges from various angles and achieve more …

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Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles by Modou Jobe

When designing a driverless car, a design team must navigate a complex landscape of ethical and regulatory considerations to ensure the safety and ethical use of the technology. BSI 8611: Ethics of Robots and Robotic Devices provides valuable guidance on ethical principles that should underpin the design and deployment of autonomous systems, including driverless cars. …

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Team Charlie Project Costing

In this blog, we provide a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with the components used in our micromouse, as well as the billable time dedicated to the development of both the micromouse and the website. Additionally, we outline the expenses related to overhead resources, such as academic and technical support. This comprehensive overview allows …

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