PCB Design of the IR Circuit

We have made our PCB on proteus for the IR circuit. We have the two IR sensors and eyes on the front. One on each side, to allow for the best view of objects in front of the micro mouse. We have also used some of the extra space on the board to implement our additional feature, flashing LEDs. We have in total 20 LEDs, 5 sets of 4 connected in parallel. To power each set, there is a transistor connected to power. Each LED has a 1k ohm resistor in series to limit current. We have already duplicated the LED circuit on a breadboard and tested it. Making sure that there is still enough power to run the rest of the micromouse functions. There is still some extra space on the board, but it will go unused since we don’t currently have the knowledge to implement the white line following sensors. We have used a few components rotated at 45 degrees to be able to stretch across tracks.  

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