Cost breakdown

The extra components we had to account for were the 128×64 OLED screen, the piezoelectric buzzers and the extra LEDs for our special features. Our shell costs approximately £8.40. WE only had two IR sensors but we had 2 IR emitters and 3 white LEDs for white line following. Approximately 5m of wire was used. The pi pico can be bought for £3.90 and the PCB was printed in the University, which cost approximately £35. All the components were provided by the university.

The total that we calculated for the production of our micromouse is £185.48. The following table summarises the prices.

Billable time

The total time we spent in the lab during the micromouse project was 112 hours. We additionally did 5 hours of work on the micromouse in Gregynog. For a total of 117 hours each, we worked on the micromouse hardware, software and the website.

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