Starting with a new team is like an adventure – exciting but with some unknowns. I recently joined a group called Delta and get to meet my teammates: Ibrahim, Nayim, and Jamie. Our jobs are to make a micromouse and devolop a website.

Right from the beginning, we could see that our team had a mix of different skills. Ibrahim, our web master, worked on our website, using his tech knowledge. Nayim and Jamie, the coding and prototype experts, focused on the micromouse. Nayim’s and Jamie’s coding skills were key for the micromouse, and they both added creative ideas for its design.

While we’re facing challenges, we found that our skills fit together well. It wasn’t always easy, but our hard work and teamwork helped us overcome problems. We learn new things every session we spent together such as prototyping the micromouse and building up our websites. Working with Ibrahim, Nayim, and Jamie in Team Delta has been going well so far, and I’m confident it will lead us to success.

Categories: Uncategorised


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