Following on from the last blog post I have since finished the construction of the PCB and have successfully tested it, this is a big step as the PCB features the circuitry of our IR sensors and special feature. This then allows for a more complete construction of the Micromouse. At present our mouse features the PCB, motors, chassis, touchbars and white line following.

The rest of the team has been busy at work, Nayim has continued to refine the code and has started to develop the code for the Combat mode. Hafiz has nearly completed the shell design which will be mounted onto our Micromouse and lastly Ibrahim has been busy adding extra documentation sections to the website.

I believe some extra sessions over the Easter break will be required in order for the Micromouse to be ready for the trails at Gregynog next month. We will communicate in due course to arrange these sessions. Lastly, I am confident that we will have a well designed and robust working Micromouse by April the 23rd.

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