• Hafiz’s statement on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

    In this programme that we undertook “Group Design Exercise,” Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) plays a big role in achieving our goals of collaborative efforts. Together, as a team, we believe in creating an environment where each member is valued, respected, and acknowledged regardless of their backgrounds, identities, or origins. […]

  • Nayim – Personal Statement on Ethical Principles

    I read through the Statement of Ethical Principles by the Engineering Council and revised by the Royal Academy of Engineering. I found that the key ethical principles listed were; honesty and integrity; respect for life, law, the environment and public good; accuracy and rigour; and leadership and communication. As a […]

  • Design Sustainability and end of life recycling – Jamie

    Sustainability is an important aspect of Electrical Engineering, this is why when designing the circuity of our micromouse we looked to be as sustainable as possible. One step that was taken was to use only one PCB which contained both the circuitry of our IR sensors and our special feature. […]