October Blog from Dara

We got our team members last month and I was excited to meet them, we had to write our strengths before we were chosen as team members so when we formally met each other as team members we shared our strengths and skills with each other. I was a bit worried at first about meeting my team members, but I felt better and reassured once I met them in person. We then made decisions on our roles within the team using the team matrix as guide where I was then chosen as the manager and planner of my team. I wanted to do more than just lead so I supported Andrew as the Web master, and I am the Graphic Designer for my team.

As we started working on the project, a few things changed as we were still adjusting to our roles that we had chosen on our skill matrix, so we did work together at first on the breadboarding while Andrew waited with our module supervisor Professor Chris Jobling to set up the website. We also successfully submitted our first assignment as a team on time which made me really thrilled. Afterwards I started working on the website and I was able to set up the Home page on WordPress. We are all going to be posting our blogs individually every month so I’ll posting our progress on the micromouse every month.

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