During this past month, we were building team exercises to find the most appropriate team members for our group project, where we would write our strengths so we could pair up with the appropriate people. Afterward, I met with the other group members that I am going to stay with for the year building the micro mouse. It was exciting to see how each of the team members had different and creative perspectives as we were discussing our roles in the team and what it can they could do within their desired roles. In the end after dividing the roles evenly, where I was assigned to assist Ethan with the hardware while being a Web Master with Dara, being its Administrator.
After the team was built, we were still adjusting to our roles, therefore, we decided to start to work on the infrared sensors for the micro mouse. During that, the website was created for us to document our work and our blog posts. At the end of the month, Rhys was able to finalize the infrared sensor circuit as me and . For the upcoming month we aim to finish the infrared sensors and have them calibrated and be ready to implement them into the base of the micromouse’s chassis.