October Blog By Rhys

During this month we completed some team building exercises, then wrote our preferred roles and abilities down so we could be sorted into teams to start our micro-mouse project. For the first week together as a team we discussed are abilities and what our strengths are to the distribute roles. We made sure at least two were assigned to most roles so there is effective cover. I’ve taken a secondary role in the software and coding side of the project alongside Ethan, as well as, some project planning responsibilities with Dara. My primary responsibility will be the sensors on the micro-mouse. During the last two weeks of October I completed a bread-board circuit of two IR sensors, which can be seen in the image. Moving forward I will test the sensors sensitivity to make sure we have a pair of sensors with the closest matching level of sensitivity which can then be used in our micro-mouse.

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October Blog from Ethan

During this first month we met our other teammates and did some bonding exercises, so we got to know each other. We also decided our roles for the project. I will be doing the electronic hardware along with Andrew as well as doing the software with Rhys. We split these tasks between multiple people so that they are more manageable and causes less stress within the team.

At the start of this month, we created a team page for Team Foxtrot so we can all communicate and send files to each other more easily. On this webpage we setup tasks which allow us to easily see what we need to do and when the deadline for those tasks is. Also, this month myself and Rhys have made a breadboard circuit using the IR sensors which will allow us to see and understand how the Micro mouse sensors will work. The basic layout of the micro mouse was also done as I have attached the motors and bearings to the chassis of the robot.

In the upcoming month we should be able to complete the IR sensor circuit and then we can progress onto the designing of the shell of the micro mouse as well as having a group conversation about the special feature our micro mouse will have. I will be doing some of the software as well.

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October Blog

During this past month, we were building team exercises to find the most appropriate team members for our group project, where we would write our strengths so we could pair up with the appropriate people. Afterward, I met with the other group members that I am going to stay with for the year building the micro mouse. It was exciting to see how each of the team members had different and creative perspectives as we were discussing our roles in the team and what it can they could do within their desired roles. In the end after dividing the roles evenly, where I was assigned to assist Ethan with the hardware while being a Web Master with Dara, being its Administrator.

After the team was built, we were still adjusting to our roles, therefore, we decided to start to work on the infrared sensors for the micro mouse. During that, the website was created for us to document our work and our blog posts. At the end of the month, Rhys was able to finalize the infrared sensor circuit as me and . For the upcoming month we aim to finish the infrared sensors and have them calibrated and be ready to implement them into the base of the micromouse’s chassis.

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October Blog from Dara

We got our team members last month and I was excited to meet them, we had to write our strengths before we were chosen as team members so when we formally met each other as team members we shared our strengths and skills with each other. I was a bit worried at first about meeting my team members, but I felt better and reassured once I met them in person. We then made decisions on our roles within the team using the team matrix as guide where I was then chosen as the manager and planner of my team. I wanted to do more than just lead so I supported Andrew as the Web master, and I am the Graphic Designer for my team.

As we started working on the project, a few things changed as we were still adjusting to our roles that we had chosen on our skill matrix, so we did work together at first on the breadboarding while Andrew waited with our module supervisor Professor Chris Jobling to set up the website. We also successfully submitted our first assignment as a team on time which made me really thrilled. Afterwards I started working on the website and I was able to set up the Home page on WordPress. We are all going to be posting our blogs individually every month so I’ll posting our progress on the micromouse every month.

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