Sustainability – Component and overhead costing

The full cost breakdown of components used in the Micro Mouse project amounts to £198.56. This includes all the components and materials such as Veroboard that we needed for prototyping. The most expensive item we used was the Raspberry pi Pico and the adjoining board as this cost £55.65 with delivery in 10 days, which made up a quarter of the overall expense for the project.

Another cost that wasn’t included in the above total was the overhead cost for the lab use and the academics that we had help from. Basing the costing on minimum wage we expected the lab technicians and academics to be paid £1372.80. I came to this cost as the project took roughly 20 weeks to complete, with 120 hours of labour equating to 6 hours per week. Of course this is the base minimum they would be paid and for their hard work I would hope it is higher.

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