As a member of team Foxtrot, I visited the joint Statement of Ethical Principles issued in 2005 by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) and the Engineering Council as well as the IET. I plan to commit to these principles as a student and in the future as a professional engineer. The statement of Ethical principle is guarded by four principles.
Honesty and Integrity
Based on this principle, I promise to always act in a reliable manner and respect other’s privacy and rights. I shall respect confidentiality when required and declare conflicts of interest to people. I would avoid professional misconduct and improper influence.
Respect for Life, Law, the Environment and Public Good
I would put health and safety first in all that I do and draw attention to hazards, I would make sure that every work that I do is lawful and justified. I would respect and protect personal information; I would protect the quality of built and natural environments.
Accuracy and Rigour
I would always act in care and perform services under competent supervision as a future professional. I would keep my knowledge up to date. I would also identify and manage risks; I would also not mislead my team or allow them to be misled.
Leadership and communication
I would listen to my teammates concern and would also promote diversity, equality and inclusion. I would be objective and truthful in any statement I make, and I will challenge statements or policies that causes concern.
Referring to EC and IET Codes