Over the duration of November, I must say I am proud of the progress my team has made. Since the last time I posted a blog for October we have fully developed the website so that it has a good structure for our future team content to be shown. As it has been said in the news, Boyang has been mainly responsible for the micromouse and it has been fully assembled. We are now testing the micromouse with code, fine-tuning variables so that our micromouse performs optimally. While this has been taking place, Bright has also been responsible for assembly of our IR circuit, which will add another level of autonomous function to our micromouse. The point of this circuit is to integrate infrared technology into our micromouse to detect and avoid obstacles. Well of course, we can’t just put a breadboard in it, so Adam and I have also designed a PCB for this circuit so that it may be properly integrated into the micromouse.