Adam’s view on Engineering in society

I have thoroughly reviewed the ethics and sustainability principles and the IET rules of conduct. After reading through each key principles, I further understand the importance of following ethical principles and bellow are my thoughts on each key principle.

The 1st point is “honest and integrity”. I understand it is important to act in a reliable trustworthy manner and to uphold high professional standards as it ensures that any conflicts of interest can be dealt with quickly, any unprofessional or corrupt practices should be dealt with. This is also supported by point 3 of the IETs Rules of conduct which says “Members shall uphold the reputation and standing of the Institution.”

The 2nd point is – “Respect for life, law, the environment and public good”. I understand that it is important to respect life, law, environment and public good. As I know it is important that engineers should have professional standards and be respectful. Following this standard ensures that professional work is carried out safely, respectfully and professionally. This is supported by point 4 of the IETs Rules of conduct which says “Members shall observe the provisions of the Institution’s Royal Charter and Bye-laws and any supporting regulations or rules.”

The 3rd point is – “Accuracy and rigour”. I understand that it is important for a professional engineer has the sufficient knowledge and skills needed to perform their role and should always wisely use their knowledge and skills in an ethical and considerate manner. This is supported by point 5 of the IETs Rules of conduct which says “Members shall keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date through planned professional development and seek to broaden and deepen that knowledge throughout their working life. Members shall keep adequate records of professional development undertaken. Members shall also encourage persons working under their supervision to do the same.”

The 4th point is “Leadership and communication”- It is important for an engineer to have high standards of leadership and communication as this ensures that any issues can be raised, and concerns heard. policies or statements that cause professional concern should be challenged and overall awareness of any issues can be delt with effectively. This is supported by point 7 of the IETs Rules of conduct which says “Members shall accept personal responsibility for all work done by them or under their supervision or direction. Members shall also take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons working under their authority are both suitably equipped and competent to carry out the tasks assigned to them.”

After reading the ethics and sustainability principles I can conclude that I agree with all the principles and statements, and I further understand the importance of following ethical principles.

Engineering ethics [what is it and why is it important] ( – Highlights why following ethical principles in engineering is important. And defines what are ethics in engineering.

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