In the month of February, the team has made a very gallant effort in terms of progression and the results are clear. Since the start of February, I have altered the PCB design so that it is more efficient in terms of space and now has an additional circuit on the back. Once the circuit design was completed, it was printed so that the components may be soldered. Bright and I worked together on the PCB, punching the holes for the components and soldering the components onto the PCB. Furthermore, as a team we have unanimously decided to choose a blue koopa shell for the shell of our micromouse. Boyang has made excellent progress in this field, being able to complete a large majority of the shell within a few lab sessions. The progress of white-line following has also shown some very good and promising results, thanks to Adam and Bright. Adam has been rigorously working to improve the white-line following performance each session, fine-tuning the code and taking measurements of the voltage output of the white-line sensor each lab session. Bright has also been hard at work in this department, creating the sensors used to follow white lines. The micromouse is able to relocate to the white-line if it has been pushed off course and is able to follow the line at a considerable speed.