In the month of April, we had a lot scheduled. As per the calander arrangement for EG-252, we had the main assessment for our micromouse take place in Gregynog Hall of Newtown, Wales. Prior to this, I worked on tha paint and finish of the shell while my team prepared the micromouse for the field trip, finalising our special features such as bluetooth control and an OLED information display. When we arrived at Gregynog we made repairs to our micromouse, seeing as the signal diode on the raspberry pi pico board split in half. With the board fixed, we were finally able to test our combat during the first night. The next morning, my team finalised our micromouse preparing it for the numerous inspections which tested its capabilities in obstacle avoidance, line following and combat. When we competed in the tournament, we managed to hold our own, making it up to the semi finals! Looking back on this experience, my team and I are very proud of what we have managed to achieve and we are glad we achieved it together.