Information display

This is the Adafruit OLED display of our micromouse used to display important information, which Bright managed to implement. This was connected to our micromouse via IIC (inter-integrated circuit), because the display had the four pins VCC, GND, SDA and SCK. This OLED screen is 128×64 pixels which is plenty enough to display vital information of the micromouse. When the micromouse is turned on, a short animation plays and then you are greeted with a message saying “Welcome Team Golf”. When using the HC-05 bluetooth module to control the micromouse, the display will recognise when the mode changes and will therefore display what mode the micromouse is in. Furthermore, it will also display information that is important for each mode. For example, the obstacle avoidance mode utilises the infra-red PCB, so the OLED display will show the user which infra-red sensor has been activated.