Day: 1 May 2024

An Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) agenda allows us to ensure that everybody is treated with equal favour regardless of individual characteristics or beliefs. It is everybody’s responsibility to recognise and celebrate the individual differences between us and foster an environment that allows people in diverse groups to work effectively together. If everyone is made […]
In this blog post I will be reflecting on my experience of EDI within the context of my team.  My engineering team’s diverse backgrounds and experiences strengthen our approach and allow us to tackle difficulties more imaginatively. Being Bengali and born in the United Kingdom, my perspective is frequently impacted by a mix of cultures […]
In this blog I will give my personal reflection on the Statement of Ethical Principles created by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council in 2005, which was revised in 2017.   The statement of principles has four fundamental principles the first being “Honesty and Integrity”. This is important to have not only in […]
Embracing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) policies has proved to be of immense value for my team. Initially, it was met with enthusiasm mixed with uncertainty, but through structured team-building activities and open forums, we have cultivated an atmosphere where every voice is valued. Our team has been capable of conceiving innovative ideas, recognizing and […]
As a student and someone who aspires to be an engineer, my guiding principles are derived from the ethical guidelines established by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) and the Engineering Council (EC), and further reinforced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). These guidelines, which are based on Honesty and Integrity, Respect for […]