Day: 2 May 2024

107 hours both semesters   Indeed, base hourly rate for electrical engineers: £21.49 107 hours @ £21.49 = £2,299.43   Gov Min Wage: Minimum wage: £10.18 till April 1st  New Min Wage: £11.44 after April 1st @ 21 hours  86 hours @ £10.18 = £875.48  21 hours @ £11.44 = £240.24  £875.48 + £240.24 […]
Blowing the Whistle If a vehicle was deemed unsuitable for road use and that the production of these cars would kill at least one person we as a team have responsibilities according to The Institution of Engineering and Technology.  One of the responsibilities we must follow according to their rules is number 6 where it […]
The ethical dilemma our team is responding to is blowing the whistle, which we all agree we would do if our employer has performed any wrongdoing according with their own procedures. If there is a flaw in the design of an autonomous vehicle which has a large probability of harming pedestrians, our responsibilites as members […]
IR components – £25 Printed PCB – £35 AW60 components – £40 PCB AW60 – £8 Motor and Chassis – £46 Special feature components – £20 Total component costs – £180 approx. Lab time and cost of overhead resources – £7000 for entire year Development cost – £20 an hour * 90 contact hours = […]
As engineers in training, it’s crucial we not only focus on the innovation and functionality of our designs but also carefully consider the sustainability aspect of our projects. Designing our prototype micro mouse offered an invaluable opportunity to weave sustainable development principles into our engineering practice. In this blog post, I will address our plan […]
As part of a pioneering team tasked with developing driverless cars for a well-known car-sharing service, I have faced a moral dilemma that challenges my professional integrity. Discovering a critical design flaw that poses a significant risk to pedestrians not only presents a technical challenge but also a moral crisis. Our response to this situation […]