Personal Statement of Commitment to Ethical Principles – Rhys Washer

I will carry out my commitment to the ethical principles laid out by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council. Both as a student and as a future professional engineer, I will be trustworthy and aware of the way my work and actions affect other people. It is important that I respect the privacy, rights, and reputations of other parties involved in my work. I will reject bribery and declare any potential conflicts of interest. I will ensure that the health and safety of others and myself, and draw attention to any possible hazards. I will protect and improve the quality of built and natural environments in order to uphold the standing of my profession. I will ensure that risks are always mitigated, and keep my knowledge up to date so that I can always accurately review different theory, evidence, and interpretation without bias. It is important that I am aware of the issues raised by engineering and technology to the world, and listen to the concerns of others. I will promote diversity, equality, and inclusion, and promote public awareness of the societal impact of engineering achievements.

I will follow the rules of conduct from the Institute of Engineering and Technology by upholding the standards of the institute and keeping my knowledge up to date throughout my working life. I will not take any responsibility for anything I am not reasonably competent to discharge. I will report any wrongdoings or dangers identified with my professional activities. I shall support colleagues who raise concerns about malpractice or general danger which affects others.

Harvard Business School has published an article about ethics in engineering, where they cover principles also outlined by the IET, RAE and EC. These principles include protecting public safety, only performing tasks when qualified, remaining faithful and trustworthy to employers, and acting with integrity.


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