November Blog – Rhys Washer

This month we have accomplished many tasks relating to our micromouse.

Mohammed has made a lot of progress with the website, we are happy with the design he’s come up with for it and the layout that is very easy to navigate. It’s a great window into our group and what we’ve done for the project.

Tay has been using Proteus to develop a PCB design based on the breadboard Infrared Sensor circuit. We are very happy with the design he’s created, everything is placed correctly and efficiently. He’s also left enough space for us to add further circuits to the board next semester.

Peter has been adding the Arduino board, motors and touchbar sensors to the mouse chassis. He developed it without needing any help, and everything worked pretty much first try. He also altered the code for the mouse so it moved in the right direction. Apart from that he has been generally managing the group, allocating tasks for all of us via Teams.

As for my tasks, I had to complete the breadboard IR sensor circuit. I found it quite difficult to follow the circuit schematic at first, but eventually with a lot of trial and error I was able to complete the circuit and it now works well. I tried to make the layout of the breadboard as tidy as possible, which made it easier to troubleshoot when something wasn’t working. Both sensors initially worked in different ranges, but after trying a handful of different ones I was eventually able to find two with the same range that we will later use on our PCB.


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