Author: 2018942

107 hours both semesters   Indeed, base hourly rate for electrical engineers: £21.49 107 hours @ £21.49 = £2,299.43   Gov Min Wage: Minimum wage: £10.18 till April 1st  New Min Wage: £11.44 after April 1st @ 21 hours  86 hours @ £10.18 = £875.48  21 hours @ £11.44 = £240.24  £875.48 + £240.24 […]
Blowing the Whistle If a vehicle was deemed unsuitable for road use and that the production of these cars would kill at least one person we as a team have responsibilities according to The Institution of Engineering and Technology.  One of the responsibilities we must follow according to their rules is number 6 where it […]
In this blog post I will be reflecting on my experience of EDI within the context of my team.  My engineering team’s diverse backgrounds and experiences strengthen our approach and allow us to tackle difficulties more imaginatively. Being Bengali and born in the United Kingdom, my perspective is frequently impacted by a mix of cultures […]
In this blog I will give my personal reflection on the Statement of Ethical Principles created by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council in 2005, which was revised in 2017.   The statement of principles has four fundamental principles the first being “Honesty and Integrity”. This is important to have not only in […]
From the last blog Rhys has managed to complete the full circuit for the IR sensor on the breadboard and managed to get all 4 oscilloscope waveforms working with, each sensor being able to be seen working by flashing led when the visible wave is broken using black tubes to cover them for better accuracy.   […]
The first week in our group design exercise we as a team created a matrix to show what skills we are good at. In terms of electrical hardware, I put myself down as the designer, technician, and tester, in terms of documentation I opted myself as the writer. The reason I put myself as primarily […]