Author: 2264255

As engineers in training, it’s crucial we not only focus on the innovation and functionality of our designs but also carefully consider the sustainability aspect of our projects. Designing our prototype micro mouse offered an invaluable opportunity to weave sustainable development principles into our engineering practice. In this blog post, I will address our plan […]
As part of a pioneering team tasked with developing driverless cars for a well-known car-sharing service, I have faced a moral dilemma that challenges my professional integrity. Discovering a critical design flaw that poses a significant risk to pedestrians not only presents a technical challenge but also a moral crisis. Our response to this situation […]
Embracing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) policies has proved to be of immense value for my team. Initially, it was met with enthusiasm mixed with uncertainty, but through structured team-building activities and open forums, we have cultivated an atmosphere where every voice is valued. Our team has been capable of conceiving innovative ideas, recognizing and […]
As a student and someone who aspires to be an engineer, my guiding principles are derived from the ethical guidelines established by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) and the Engineering Council (EC), and further reinforced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). These guidelines, which are based on Honesty and Integrity, Respect for […]
November’s lab sessions unfolded as a series of triumphs in our micromouse project. After unremitting efforts, I successfully integrated the Arduino board, motors, and touch bar sensors into the mouse chassis. Luckly, everything fell into place on the first try. Code changes proved to be the key to our micromouse performing perfectly. The satisfaction of […]
In this month’s exhilarating lab sessions, the focus was on assembling the foundation of our micromouse project. My enthusiasm soared as I delved into the intricate world of robotics, meticulously piecing together the motor and sensors with keen interest. The hands-on experience allowed me to grasp the essential components, enhancing my understanding of the project’s […]