Author: 982157

The ethical dilemma our team is responding to is blowing the whistle, which we all agree we would do if our employer has performed any wrongdoing according with their own procedures. If there is a flaw in the design of an autonomous vehicle which has a large probability of harming pedestrians, our responsibilites as members […]
IR components – £25 Printed PCB – £35 AW60 components – £40 PCB AW60 – £8 Motor and Chassis – £46 Special feature components – £20 Total component costs – £180 approx. Lab time and cost of overhead resources – £7000 for entire year Development cost – £20 an hour * 90 contact hours = […]
An Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) agenda allows us to ensure that everybody is treated with equal favour regardless of individual characteristics or beliefs. It is everybody’s responsibility to recognise and celebrate the individual differences between us and foster an environment that allows people in diverse groups to work effectively together. If everyone is made […]
I will carry out my commitment to the ethical principles laid out by the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council. Both as a student and as a future professional engineer, I will be trustworthy and aware of the way my work and actions affect other people. It is important that I respect the […]
This month we have accomplished many tasks relating to our micromouse. Mohammed has made a lot of progress with the website, we are happy with the design he’s come up with for it and the layout that is very easy to navigate. It’s a great window into our group and what we’ve done for the […]
The first month of our group project has gone very well. Each team member has put themselves forwards for certain roles based on their personal skills, and while we are generally keeping to these roles we are stepping outside of them to help eachother with certain tasks. So far we’ve built a breadboard circuit with […]