October Blog – Tayef Ahmed (2018942)

The first week in our group design exercise we as a team created a matrix to show what skills we are good at. In terms of electrical hardware, I put myself down as the designer, technician, and tester, in terms of documentation I opted myself as the writer. The reason I put myself as primarily a technician is because, I believe I could benefit the team in a more practical based position rather than on the theory side of the project. This leads onto the reason as to why I also put myself down as a writer, I would still be inputting my thoughts and ideas but would be better suited to listening to other theoretical ideas and writing them down. I also believe I am quite an organised person, and the format of my writing would be so that everyone could understand and comprehend what was written down and the document would be easy to follow.

The following week, I paired up with Rhys to start work on an infra-red sensor which should be able to sense any obstacle in its line of sight. This was done by wiring a circuit, following a design given, on a breadboard. There were four sensors in total and each sensor had different feedback from an oscilloscope. The reason for this was so we could differentiate between each sensor and if any faults appeared instead of looking back through the whole circuit we could go back to the oscilloscope and see which sensor was at fault by seeing which sensor provided different feedback from what it should.


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