November Blog – Tayef Ahmed (2018942)

From the last blog Rhys has managed to complete the full circuit for the IR sensor on the breadboard and managed to get all 4 oscilloscope waveforms working with, each sensor being able to be seen working by flashing led when the visible wave is broken using black tubes to cover them for better accuracy.  

I deferred helping Rhys with the circuit board and started work on the PCB CAD for the IR sensor that will sit on top of our chassis. I created the design keeping in mind that the IR sesnsors should be close to the front of the board to sense something in front of it as soon as possible. As well as this, I have left some space around the sides and back of the rest of the board so if we wanted to add any future elements to the complete micro mouse we could. 

Peter has started work on the physical micro mouse adding wheels to the chassis and implementing a starter code which allows the mouse to move. 

Mohammed has made great advancements on the websites it looks clean and easy to navigate we are all happy with the way it looks. 


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