February – Edward L-S

In February I began working on the white-line sensors, trialling different designs and what would work best, having them on a board a fixed distance apart around the line was what we ultimately went with for this design, then working on the code trying to discover ways of making the robot drive faster whilst also following the line correctly which required a lot of adjustments in the code, the best way to make it drive effectively without losing speed was instead of breaking when the white line was detected by the sensor freewheeling. This meant that the micro-mouse would continue driving but not lose too much speed, increasing the speed of the mouse then meant that it started to oscillate and not drive in a straight line to combat this I continued to reduce the slew of the detected, this created new problems where the mouse could no longer take the corners as the slew was so low it had barely any impact. The only solution was to add 2 more front sensors with the only objective of detecting when a corner is present and executing the code accordingly. This fixed all the problems and allowed our bot to drive quickly and accurately.

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